Monday, May 11, 2009

post #7

finally, a set of wheels in some hot bondage. it's not too often that I walk by and see something done almost perfect. while the chain in the front has a bit of slack, the rider here secured down both their front and rear wheels as well as their frame. their saddle is not a quick release, so unless the would-be swiper has a bike tool in his pocket, this straight-from-the factory saddle is safe... for now. this is a great example of how to properly lock your bike down. kudos to the Cannondale®. NEXT!

it's like my grandmother strapped to a pole. ok, so maybe nobody would find my grandmother strapped to a pole at this point in time, but I can tell ya the walker she absolutely refuses to use is the same color as this grandmother-like, Dutch-style set of wheels. perhaps cyclists in L.A. are a but naive and just sorta assume that the high-fashion colored, plastic covered chain will make the cut. well, if anything, it will get cut sooner or later. this rider (if this is all they've got) ought to at least lock down one of their wheels so it's more fun for the swiper to pull it free after they cut the chain. keep an eye out for my grandmother, she does have a mean set of coupon clippers. NEXT!
submitted by Karen in L.A.

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